Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Mars

Firstly, thank goodness for the work of the editor-curator that is an internet list maker whose introspections are actually compelling because of digital notoriety not being attached to their irl identity. What gorgeous collection - The Worm Charmers was especially delightful as I plan a trip to Florida this November and the M.F.K. Fisher shared by B earlier this month sent me off on a food writing binge myself - I have some Jim Harrison and A.J Liebling on their way.

In that vein the relationship between digital and irl identity, I had no idea who Annie Hamilton was, but that Tavi piece made me feel like I was bemusedly reading a Tumblr post without the preexisting affection for the mutual typing incoherently on the other side and thinking to myself, isn't it great we all have this private space to be unhinged and have little held against us other than by anonymous assholes who we can write off as just that, rather open ourselves to any real critique because this isn't actually a "real" piece of writing or context that that requires it. However, I feel that this approach to expression of ideas and self derailed what could have been very interesting real writing careers of some women on there and I strongly dislike writing done in the style of the "girlies" with internet brain rot trying to legitimize it as a form or style - it feels like a persona to hid lazy writing behind, the way I used to beg off any real feedback on Tumblr posts, which when it makes its way to the wrong crowd (hello GQ readers) won't be as generous as to stop at bemusement. And I think the editors at GQ knew that and purposefully went for the rage bait when featuring it at their weeks "must-read", knowing their own crowd likely has little of the lived experience granting generosity understanding or insight to that style of self expression. There is absolutely room for real, profound work to grow from the rot - Patricia Lockwood and Melissa Broader being two examples that spring to mind - but growing would be the operative form. Attached as it is to Hamilton's irl identity, I hope she's able to keep spinning this performance art thing of hers too, as I am sure if you, Mars, find her singular there is work of hers worth admiring.

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Maria! I love you and your big brain so much. Florida in November is a special place to be. You will have a ball! B is an indispensable resource of magic, we're so fortunate to have her in our lives, and I'm just as grateful for you and your insight too ⏤ you've hit on so much of what I've thought about Tumblr as it continues to linger in the peripheral of writing as we know it in the digital sphere today. So much of this supposed brain rot voice that's taken hold is credited to the mumblecore scene of yesteryear, but I think anyone who was there knows it's mostly a reimagining of the 2010s Tumblr dashboard, or rather how the two coexisted to the point of edges blurring. Maybe I should write about this... I like your take on why Hamilton's piece may have landed at GQ rather than, say, The Cut. What you said makes a lot of sense to me. Curious to see what she will do next! Growing is surely always the operative word, after all...

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Jun 16Liked by Mars

Also - Tavi saying she had not thrown her under the bus but saved her from further embarrassing herself made me like Tavi so very much

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Jun 16Liked by Mars

I absolutely adored this — I very much appreciate the weekly roundup of curiosities and recommendations and I added so many tabs to my browser. I also enjoy following along to retro aerobic fitness routines, I recently did Cher’s, so fun! thank you Mars ⭐️

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Thank you, V! Your support means the world to me, I'm so lucky. We need to have an aerobics date soon!

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Jun 16Liked by Mars

Beautiful ❤️

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Thank you, Moni 🥹

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Jun 16Liked by Mars

Beautifully written as always! 🌠🥂 Like Violeta, I have so many new articles and tabs opened up to explore later. Truly the perfect treat to wake up to on a Sunday morning !!

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Thank you, A! I'm so happy you enjoyed this first dispatch. Can't wait to see you next Sunday too! Let's have another botanical gardens double date soon 😉

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Jun 17Liked by Mars

Hehe when I saw that line I was like “I feel like she’s addressing me…” 🙈. We definitely need to go🐇❣️!

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Jun 17Liked by Mars

The raw milk bubble is so funny to me. I love that you’re nonjudgmental about it, I think that’s just you being your usual gracious self, because oh man… part of me finds the whole thing so amusing thinking that it surely has to be a bit? The other part of me is rolling my eyes so hard that one of them might pop out.

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You flatter me, Mia! It's certainly... a choice, and the culture that's sprung up around it is as interesting to me as it is confounding. Never would have imagined raw milk being the morning beverage of choice for so many even just five years ago!

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Jun 18Liked by Mars

Actually making an account on Substack for the first time because I'm obsessed with Barn Sour, these selections of media and writing sparked so much curiosity in me and I needed to comment that I can't wait to read The Worm Charmers article (among others!) A curation of noteworthy content and interconnected lines of thought from Mars every week, I am so excited. The shout outs made me smile sooo big ❣️

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You and your kind words settle right into the center of my heart, B! I am lucky to have you in my corner and am so happy that you enjoyed this. Thank you for being here, for being you, and for broadening my horizons ❤️

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I truly love to read the Sunday Mars™️ — you pour such beauty and richness into the way you write about every day life, all the sights and sounds and smells of your world come alive every time I read your work. Also, please leak the recipes! 🌟

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